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Platinum Package G$ 1,000,000 (US$ 5000)

  • Virtual and physical booth + Opportunity to make a 5min presentation during the closing dinner
  • Company Name/Logo will appear on all event stationery - letters, programs, banners, website, etc.
  • Access to conference publications

Gold Package G$ 500,000 (US$ 2500)

  • Physical and virtual booth
  • Company Name/Logo will appear on all event stationery - letters, programs, banners, website, etc.
  • Access to conference publications

Silver Package G$ 250,000 (US$ 1250)

  • Virtual booth
  • Company Name/Logo will appear on all event stationery - letters, programs, banners, website, etc.


Silver Package G$ 150,000 (US$ 750)

  • Virtual booth
  • Company Name/Logo will appear on programs and website, etc.